Ghost Town / Danger Kids Concert Ticket Giveaway


Are you in a slump because Wednesdays suck, us too, but today might be your lucky day. We are giving away 2 FREE tickets to Ghost Town / Danger Kids at the Tonight at the firebird.  Here is how you can make your week suck a little less for you and your favorite punk partner in crime.

Simply click one of the like / follow / plus buttons, or all of them 🙂 , below to be entered to win.  The tickets will be given to the first person to do so.  WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR!!!

I have fixed the +1 button from google so I can now see who is liking us. If you were the one who plused us just click the new button or shoot us an email at

You may also share the article with your friends, but no bonus points in this contest! ;P